Attractive looking Parking Blocks / Wheel Stoppers for safe parking of vehicles, aesthetic organization of parking areas and effective parking management.
These products are Wet Cast and hence have a smooth grey finish.
They are manufactured using the vibro-compaction process which makes them strong, durable and wear resistant.

A C PreCast Cement Concrete Wheel Stopper Parking Block

A C PreCast Cement Concrete Wheel Stopper Parking Block

A C PreCast Cement Concrete Wheel Stopper Parking Block

A C PreCast Cement Concrete Wheel Stopper Parking Block

A C PreCast Cement Concrete Wheel Stopper Parking Block Kerb Truck Bus Van

A C PreCast Cement Concrete Wheel Stopper Parking Block Kerb Truck Bus Van

A C PreCast Cement Concrete Wheel Stopper Parking Block Kerb Truck Bus Van